Bachelor's degrees in Architecture - Structural - Construction
Scientific Field
University of Peloponnese | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Patras | |
Technical University of Crete | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Chania | |
Cyprus University of Technology | Civil Engineering (8 semesters) |
Limassol | ||
Frederick University | Diploma in Architect Engineering (10 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Agronomists and Topographical Engineers (10 semesters) |
2nd | Thessaloniki | |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Thessaloniki | |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Spatial Planning and Development Engineers (10 semesters) |
2nd | Thessaloniki | |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Thessaloniki | of Construction Science and Technology Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Transportation and Project Management |
Democritus University of Thrace | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Blond | |
Democritus University of Thrace | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Blond | 1. Construction Projects 2. Transportation Projects 3. Plumbing Works 4. Geotechnical Projects |
International University of Greece | Interior Architecture (8 semesters) |
2nd, 4th | Serres | |
International University of Greece | Topography and Geoinformatics Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Serres | |
International University of Greece | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Serres | 1. Structural Engineering 2. Geotechnical Engineering 3. Transportation Engineering 4. Hydraulic Engineering |
National Technical University of Athens | Agronomists and Topographical Engineers – Geoinformatics Engineers (10 semesters) |
2nd | Athens | |
National Technical University of Athens | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Athens | |
National Technical University of Athens | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Athens | |
University of West Attica | Interior Architecture (8 semesters) |
2nd, 4th | Athens | |
University of West Attica | Topography and Geoinformatics Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Athens | |
University of West Attica | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Athens | 1. Domostatic 2. Geotechnics 3. Plumbing 4. Transportation |
University of Thessaly | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Marble | |
University of Thessaly | of Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and Regional Development (10 semesters) |
2nd | Marble | |
University of Thessaly | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Marble | 1. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 2. Domostatics 3. Transport, Transportation Infrastructure and Environmental Management 4. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering |
University of Ioannina | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Janina | |
University of Cyprus | Architecture (8 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
University of Cyprus | Mechanical Engineering and Construction (8 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
University of Cyprus | Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering (8 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
University of Nicosia | Architecture (BAArch) (8 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
University of Nicosia | Architecture (DipArch) (10 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
University of Nicosia | Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering (8 semesters) |
Nicosia | ||
Neapolis University of Paphos | Architecture (10 semesters) |
Paphos | ||
Neapolis University of Paphos | Degree & Diploma in Civil Engineering (8 semesters) |
Paphos | 1. Structural Engineering 2. Environmental Engineering |
University of Patras | of Architectural Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Patras | |
University of Patras | Civil Engineering (10 semesters) |
2nd | Patras | 1. Constructions 2. Geotechnical Engineering-Infrastructure Projects 3. Hydraulic Engineering-Environmental Technology 4. Sustainable Transport and Management Systems |
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