Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small set of data that a website can store on your computer or mobile phone. The cookie allows the website to "remember" your actions while browsing it. Although the majority of browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera, support the use of cookies, the user can set his browser not to accept cookies or delete them afterwards.

What are they?

Cookies on this website can be categorized as follows:

  • Strictly necessary cookies, which are absolutely necessary to perform the basic functions of the website. These cookies allow you to browse the website and use the features you have requested, such as access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, we cannot provide you with the services that enable this website to function.
  • Performance cookies, which collect anonymous information about how its visitors use this website. These cookies allow us to understand how visitors interact on the website by providing us with information about which pages they visit, the time they spend on the site, as well as any problems they encountered, such as incorrect messages. This information allows us to improve the operation of the website.
  • Functionality cookies, which improve your experience in relation to the website. These cookies can, for example, remember information such as the user's name, language or geolocation preference. These cookies may be used to provide services you have requested, such as watching a video, commenting on a blog, or interacting with third-party services, such as social media features. By remembering your choices, it helps the site provide enhanced and more personal features.

How we use them

On our website we use so-called cookies based on Article 6 (1) of EU Regulation 2016/679. Our interest in optimizing our website must be considered legitimate, within the meaning of the aforementioned provision. Cookies do not cause harm to your terminal device, do not contain viruses, trojans or other harmful programs. The cookie collects information that is generated each time in relation to the specific terminal device used. This does not mean that we have direct knowledge of your identity through them. The use of cookies aims on the one hand to offer you more comfortable use. For this reason, we use so-called session cookies to recognize that you have already visited individual pages of the website. These are automatically deleted as soon as you leave our website. In addition, we use temporary cookies for ease of use, which are stored for a specified period of time on your terminal device. If you visit our page again to use our services, we automatically recognize that you have already visited us, which entries / settings you made, so that it is not necessary to do the same actions again. Other third-party tools and widgets may be used on this website to provide additional functionality. The use of these tools or widgets may install a cookie on your device to make their service easier to use and to ensure that your activity is displayed correctly on the website. Cookies alone do not tell us your email address and do not personally identify you in any other way. In our analytical reports, we may receive identifying information including IP addresses, but only to determine the number of unique visitors to the website and the geographical origin of visitors, and in no case to identify individual visitors.

How to check or delete them

You can control and/or delete cookies according to your wishes. Details can be found here: You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer, as well as configure most browsers in a way that does not allow cookies to be installed. However, in this case, you may need to adjust certain preferences yourself each time you visit a website, and some services may also not work.