Οδηγίες συγγραφής

Masterpen in its effort to enhance students' knowledge and skills in academic writing has created a complete guide to writing student papers which includes all the rules that need to be followed for the successful completion of papers of all academic levels.

Οδηγός Συγγραφής Εργασιών

Masterpen in its effort to enhance students' knowledge and skills in academic writing has created a complete guide to writing student papers which includes all the rules that need to be followed for the successful completion of papers of all academic levels.

This guide was compiled by MasterPen with the aim of helping students learn the rules of writing student papers (semester, graduate, diploma) in order to have an even and scientific result. When grading assignments, universities focus on the extent to which these rules are followed and give priority to students who follow them faithfully.

Υψηλής ποιότητας καθοδήγηση σε Πτυχιακές Εργασίες

Masterpen has compiled this guide to help students improve their academic writing performance and acquire the skills required to achieve a perfect result. This guide includes a part of the generally accepted rules of writing and is a continuation of the article Guide to Writing (Part A).

Οδηγός Συγγραφής

This guide is intended to help students in preparing their student assignments. This guide is the guidelines for every student studying at a Greek university and seeking guidance in writing their thesis at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Essentially, this guide includes the generally accepted rules of scientific work and was compiled based on the guides posted by the universities on their official websites.

Ποιοι είμαστε MasterPen

Our company has been successfully operating in the field of student support in student assignments for over 15 years. Our experience begins in Great Britain where after the MasterPen founder graduated from the universities of England, the writing of scientific works and the support of students in the completion of their student assignments begins to acquire another dimension and the passion for academic writing to turns into a professional occupation.